Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bar Wars -- By Sanket ‘hates dance bars’ Kambli

We always come across 'either you are in or out' scenario. But this dance bar issue doesn't fit into this scenario. You ask me why? Read further to know why. Let us begin with the supporters of dance bars; these people consider dance bars to be a source of adult entertainment, in this city which lacks any form of adult entertainment, it is their only place to unwind. I am sure very few will agree. Some people of these groups say that, it is time we all grew up, and move with the times, and legalize dance bars. While there are some who are a bit sensitive, saying that these bars, are a source of income of thousands of women, who are the sole employed members of their respective families, and banning them, will make them helpless and depressed, which will naturally pass on to the families. There are a few furious one, who want, the government to stop taking away their "freedom”, they feel it’s their right to decide what is right and what is not, and not the government. And a section wants the government to focus on more essential issues; like unemployment, illiteracy, etc, instead of trying to stop corruption of young minds. Well its time to move on to the denouncers of dance bars; these people like the government, believe that dance bars do corrupt young and impressionable minds. They believe that it is not a necessary evil, and feel our society would surely benefit from the absence of dance bars. They say that are far better and healthier sources of entertainment that can be pursued, than going to a dance bar. And they believe just because, it is a source of income for women, they have to keep the dance bars open, is absolutely stupid. There are few who believe it is high time, that freedom in this nation is controlled. And these groups have a piece of advice to all those who believe that, acceptance of dance bars to be a sign of a progressive society; they would prefer a non-progressive society, then a "dance bar-red society". So you must have got a gist of both the sides, hopefully aiding you in doing some research and making some decisions. And if you ask me my opinion, even I believe it isn't a "necessary " evil, but all those who have lost their jobs because of the closure of dance bars, must be given adequate rehabilitation, and lastly the society must start accepting these women, on par with other women, as all that they were innocently doing was earn a livelihood, and that too, not just for themselves, but for their families.

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