Wednesday, August 10, 2005


When I was supposed to write a ‘piece’ on patriotism, I was a bit confused.

To begin writing, the logical thing, would have been, to look out for the definition of patriotism.

But then I thought, it’s the same path every other writer will take, so I decided to ditch that idea.

Now as I was standing at the door of this CST fast local, it struck me, what could patriotism mean?

And then I thought, patriotism isn't just about fighting in the war for you country or winning medals/trophies for your country.

So what more could it be?

A person, who pays his taxes, is a patriot, because he is ready to give away his hard earned money, for his country.

He, who never travels ticket less, doesn't litter the road, prefers to save water/electricity/fuel whenever possible, is a patriot, too.

Edward De Bono, the renowned psychologist had said, Indians have a habit of missing the big picture.

And the same thing applies here. Simple things are always the one which make a difference.

As they, say drops and more drops fill up the ocean.

These small acts like conservation of resources, planting trees, having some sort of civic sense, paying taxes/fines, voting for the right person, are what really show your love for your country.

And don’t ever think that, this list is limited, there is more to it, and all I have done is dropping some pointers.

And if that isn't there, then no amount of flag stickers, Jai Hind, etc will ever make up for that.

It is like, it should come from within, patriotism cannot be taught anywhere, and no one can be forced to do it.

So things like playing the national anthem in cinemas, and forcing people to become patriots, is an act of wastage and utter stupidity, serving absolutely no purpose. So can these write-up's really change people's thinking, I doubt it, but I write with the hope that at least some kids start thinking about it, and become a real patriot, not pseudo-patriots.

Till then jai-hind, and make sure you watch swades, and if you want the reason, then it simple, the movie is for free, on star gold, adios.

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