Friday, February 15, 2008

New additions to my biking gear

These are pics of new stuff that I have added to my biking gear
(Click on images for larger view)

1st pic-->Thats an elbow pad

2nd-->Thats close-up shot of the elbow pad

3rd->>Thats the Knee Pad

4th-->These are wrist protectors, they don't fit over my current pair of gloves! :-(


Payeng said...

Hi Sanket..

Good Stuff.. great to see a Serious and Responsible Biker..

Would be helpful if details of where to buy them could have been given.. If possible also try to post photos of you with these gear on.

sanket kambli said...

yes...great idea...about my pics with gear
and about the knee and elbow protectors ..they are from a sports good shop....they cost 175-250 depending on brand.....