Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tea time story

I have had enough of this. I am going to get my cup of tea. With these words I entered the pantry of my office. I was reluctant to prepare tea for myself, as I had been used to getting tea served at my desk at my last workplace. But the temptation to have tea overpowered my laziness. I had already observed others, as to how they operate the "hot pot" to pour tea/water. And so I tried to follow the same process; pour some hot water, then some milk and put the tea bag, then add sugar, and mix it all up. Not only was the milk lukewarm. The tea bags were not dripping the flavor quickly. The end result tasted less like tea and more like flavored milk. Well, one more reason for not making tea. But then what should I do when I am tempted to have tea? Maybe I should carry a thermos filled with hot home-made tea. Maybe! Or practice to make better tea with those stupid Tetley tea bags.

1 comment:

Nitisha said...

A cooler and healthier solution would be to have Green Tea, sankoobaba!!
Twinings Green Tea and Lemon to be precise. Just some hot water, put in the teabag for a minute, some sugar maybe and voila! You're done! :P