Friday, July 07, 2006


I don't have a saturday off, because it is meant to compensate the working hours missed due to rains.
SO no updates!!
It will come tomorrow for sure.
A bonus of posts tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

OH, this was probably your first saturday, and first weekend holiday!

Well, rains have some control over what we do! ;)

Anonymous said...

mr sanket kambli i would appreciate it if u plz remove my name from the publicity stint that u r doing on google wid my that!!!!!don act too smart!
pooja sarkar

sanket kambli said...

Mr. Sanket Kambli replies:
Ms. Pooja Sarkar, my sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused to you.
Honestly I am helpless in this regard.
I have done everything in my power to change my profile on,
but without any results.
If you yourself check the site you will know what I mean.
And if you have any problems in that regard, I can go on record that the girl I am referring there, isn't you!
And please understand I have no need to use your name for a publicity stint, because if that would have been the case I would use someone famous, not just another girl like you.
And I hope we end this things right here.