Saturday, December 27, 2008


I don't know how to put it across....but I am back...
its surely been a long time...too many cobwebs here...and reason for absence??
i was lacking inspiration...have I got it back??? don't know.....
its like my poem writing ability, the guy who wrote 70 poems in two years (five years back), can barely string together a rhyme these days.

so its not easy to know where to begin from.....
a reverse chronology can be useful.....

and we begin with jumbo......
for the uninitiated its a hindi-animated movie.....

Its overall a feel-good movie.....animation standard is very good considering bollywood.
Voice-overs are also fine....nothing out of place....yes some locations/buildings/characters seemed a bit south-east asian, but then I found out it has been directed by some thai-guy and was supposed to be a thai movie (unverified fact).
Still it is commendable movie, worth at least one watch.
Its refreshing to see a hindi animated movie which is not based on mythology......
I won't go into the details of this movie, as everything about it is fine.
Actually, I am too bored to write anymore about it.

And, yes, winter is truly here, and I need to apply some stupid cold cream or else my skin is going to be parched like sahara desert!
Coconut oil = works when skin is very very dry, but skin smells of coconut oil (duh!)
vaseline petroleum jelly = again great for very very dry skin, but takes time to apply as it is not a lotion
body lotions = these are easiest to apply, but are not effective when skin is too dry
ponds cold cream = same problem as vasline jellies, more oily than lotions

And plese don't slot me into the metrosexual thingy, because the above info, using a SPF 30 sunscreen and a hair cream(Himalaya protein cream) are the only cosmetic concepts I am familiar with it, of course other than apply hair oil. And these things are placed near my shaving kit(creame, razor, after-shave) and AXE deo spray. Well, lets stop this vanity talk.

The smell of paint still lingers!
It has been a few days since we got the house repainted, the odour of paint, which is not exactly nose-friendly, lingers on, especially if windows are kept closed for a long long time.
Oh yes! When the whole painting routine was going on, the days were a bit powdery....
what I meant was the floor seemed powdery, and there were newspapers on all furniture....and there was powder on these newspapers...!!!

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