Know Your Self
Compiled By Sanket Kambli
Nowadays just about everyone is saying ‘be yourself’, they are saying don’t ape anyone create your unique identity .But to ‘be yourself ‘you need to know yourself and so we have come up with some a list of places from the world wide web where you can first get to now yourself (by giving some ‘easy peasy’ tests) and then go about ‘being yourself’. Here it goes,
The Tests Khazana: --- This site claims to be the biggest online testing place, with more than 200 tests they can never be wrong. This site has many psychological tests, it also has ‘have fun’ tests and quizzes. Once you are on this site you won’t feel like leaving it. --- No! They don’t sell coffee with their online tests but this site has some very unique tests like Marriage Readiness Test, Emotional Quotient Test. Enjoy the tests with a cup of coffee -- This is an IQ test only site, the test has some 30 questions, with age playing a significant role in your test result. They also tell you where your score --- This is a site for all those who don’t want to tax their grey cells but want to know something about themselves. This 5 minute test is very easy all that one has to do is select your preference for certain colours. This test is a scientific method based on research by Dr. Max LĂ»scher. Go show your true colours. --- This is a well designed and pro managed site, this site has a wide range of tests with many funny ones, like there are even tests to determine your dog or which character from the the show ‘Friends’ you are more like. --- This one’s for the daredevils, this site has a lot of humour, most of it sarcastic but definitely entertaining .Some tests are unusual while some are outrageous. Don’t even think of taking these tests seriously, even the serious ones. --- For all those smitten by love, this site is for you. offers all types of quizzes for those who are thinking about that special someone. Take the Original Love test then move on to get the Numerological analysis and the Astrological Compatibility test for you and your heart-throb. All this leads you to answer the big question-is he or she the one? But don't take the results too seriously; after all it’s just for a laugh. -- After all those tests and quizzes you might just want to make one of your own. Quiz Your Friends allows you to make a quiz that you can get your friends to take. The idea is to test your friends with a bunch of questions about you, just to see how well they really know you. You can build the quiz online and then e-mail friends and family, challenging them to take it. All your friends’ results can then be compared.
Note: All the test sites mentioned above, provide free tests and free brief results but one needs to pay to view a detailed report.
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